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Zhangjiajie Tianmen Mountain Scenic Spots

Zhangjiajie Tianmen Mountain is a famous tourist attraction with multiple natural and cultural landscapes. The main attractions include:

  • Tianmen Mountain Cableway: This is the world\'s longest single-line circulating passenger cableway, with a total length of 1,430 meters and a maximum altitude of 1,452 meters. It offers a breathtaking aerial view of the mountain.

Introduction to Tianmen Mountain Scenic Spots

The complete list of attractions on Tianmen Mountain includes:

  • Tianmen Mountain Glass Skywalk: Located at the mountain top, it is a 60-meter-long glass skywalk that offers visitors a thrilling experience of walking on air.
  • Tianmen Cave: A natural giant cave, standing 131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide, and 60 meters deep, it is the iconic attraction of Tianmen Mountain.
  • Guigu Tujian Skywalk: Situated in the Guigu Tujian Scenic Area, it is a cliffside path that provides stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Tongtian Avenue: Known as the \"Road to Heaven,\" it is a world-famous winding road with 99 bends that leads to the summit of Tianmen Mountain.
  • Shangtianti: Translated as \"Stairway to Heaven,\" it is a staircase with 999 steps that leads to the Tianmen Mountain Temple.
  • Tianmen Mountain Temple: A Buddhist temple located at the summit of Tianmen Mountain, offering a serene and peaceful atmosphere.
  • Yunmeng Xianding: Translated as \"Dreamlike Fairy Peak,\" it is a scenic spot with beautiful rock formations and lush vegetation.
  • Guigu Cave: A cave with unique rock formations and mysterious atmosphere, perfect for exploration.
  • Li Na Villa: A villa named after the famous Chinese tennis player Li Na, providing a comfortable resting place for tourists.
  • Lingxiao Terrace: A terrace situated on the mountaintop, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.

The Highlights of Tianmen Mountain

Some of the highlights of Tianmen Mountain include:

  • Tianmen Mountain Cableway: As the world\'s longest passenger cableway, it not only provides convenient transportation but also offers a spectacular view of the mountain and its surroundings.
  • Tianmen Cave: With its enormous size and unique rock formations, Tianmen Cave is a must-visit attraction that showcases the magnificent beauty of nature.
  • Tianmen Mountain Glass Skywalk: Walking on the glass skywalk is an exhilarating experience, allowing visitors to feel like they are walking on air and providing stunning views of the mountain beneath their feet.
  • Tongtian Avenue: The winding road with its 99 bends is not only a remarkable engineering feat but also a thrilling journey that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Li Na Villa: Named after the famous tennis player Li Na, the villa offers a unique spot for relaxation and a chance to enjoy the tranquility of the mountain.

Recommended Itinerary for Zhangjiajie

You might be wondering how to make the most of your two-day trip to Zhangjiajie. With so many attractions to explore, such as Tianmen Mountain, Grand Canyon, Forest Park, and Huanglong Cave, it is advised to plan your itinerary wisely. One possible itinerary could be:

  • Day 1: Visit Tianmen Mountain and experience the breathtaking cableway ride, explore Tianmen Cave, walk on the glass skywalk, and enjoy the scenic beauty of Tongtian Avenue. End the day by relaxing at Li Na Villa.
  • Day 2: Explore the Grand Canyon and its attractions, such as the Glass Bridge, Zip Line, and various hiking trails. Spend the afternoon visiting Huanglong Cave and marveling at its unique rock formations.

With this itinerary, you will be able to enjoy the diverse natural wonders that Zhangjiajie has to offer within a limited time.

How to Get to Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie

Getting to Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie is convenient and hassle-free. The Tianmen Mountain Cableway allows visitors to reach the mountaintop directly from Guanliping, which is only 4 kilometers away from the Hehua Airport and 1.5 kilometers away from the train and bus stations. There is no need for strenuous climbing as the cableway provides a comfortable and scenic journey.

Visiting Tianmen Mountain - A Must-See Destination

Tianmen Mountain, located in Zhangjiajie, is a must-visit destination that offers a unique natural landscape. It is famous for its stunning views and has even been featured in the Guinness World Records for a plane flying through Tianmen Cave. The thrill and excitement of exploring this extraordinary place are worth experiencing. So, make sure to include Tianmen Mountain in your travel plans when visiting Zhangjiajie.

Exploring the Scenic Beauty of Tianmen Mountain

\"Looking at Tianmen Mountain\" is an ancient Chinese poem that describes the beauty of Tianmen Mountain, situated in the southwestern part of Dangtu County, Anhui Province. With the East Liangshan Mountain on the east and the West Liangshan Mountain on the west, the two mountains stand across the Yangtze River like a gate, hence the name \"Tianmen Mountain\" (Heaven\'s Gate Mountain). It is a picturesque location that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.

Top Attractions in Tianmen Mountain - Travel On a Budget

Zhangjiajie is known for its famous tourist attractions, and both Tianzishan and Tianmen Mountain offer a range of affordable scenic spots to visit. Some of the top attractions in Tianmen Mountain include:

  • Tiandan Avenue: A picturesque pathway lined with beautiful gardens and flowers, providing a perfect spot for leisurely walks.
  • Biyeyao Terrace: A tranquil and serene terrace with stunning views of the surrounding landscapes, ideal for capturing memorable photographs.
  • Mixian Qijing: A hidden gem within Tianmen Mountain, this scenic spot offers an immersive experience in nature with its lush greenery and peaceful atmosphere.
  • Tianmen Mountain Temple: Immerse yourself in the spiritual ambiance of the temple and witness the ancient Buddhist traditions.
  • Qiuwan and Guigu Cave: Explore these hidden caves and marvel at the unique rock formations, creating a sense of awe and wonder.

These budget-friendly attractions provide a fulfilling travel experience without breaking the bank.