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Taizhou Travel Tips

Taizhou Travel Tips


Taizhou is a beautiful city located in Zhejiang province, China. One of the must-visit attractions in Taizhou is Tiantai Mountain. With its stunning natural scenery and rich cultural heritage, Tiantai Mountain offers a variety of attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy.


If you have limited time in Taizhou, you can consider visiting Ziyang Ancient Street. This ancient street is located in Linhai County, about 30 kilometers northwest of Taizhou City. It is known for its well-preserved city walls, which are often compared to the Great Wall of China. Take a leisurely walk along the ancient street and explore the local shops and eateries to experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture.


If you have three days in Taizhou, there are several recommended places to visit. One popular option is to explore Yandang Mountain, which is located in Yueqing, Wenzhou. Yandang Mountain offers beautiful hiking trails and breathtaking views. Another option is to visit Tiantai Mountain, where you can enjoy the tranquility of nature and visit attractions such as Guoqing Temple and Qiongtai Scenic Area. Lastly, you can also spend a day exploring the historic Taizhou Ancient City, known for its Jinshan Tower, ancient city wall, and old streets.


If you are planning to visit Taizhou during the New Year holiday, make sure to include Tiantai Mountain and Taizhou Ancient City in your itinerary. Tiantai Mountain offers various attractions, including Guoqing Temple, Shiliang Waterfall, and Qiongtai Scenic Area. Taizhou Ancient City is perfect for exploring historical sites such as Jinshan Tower, ancient city walls, and old streets. These two destinations will provide a unique cultural and natural experience for your trip.


If you are planning a trip to Taizhou during the Qingming Festival, it is important to consider the crowds and potential traffic congestion. As the holiday falls on April 4th, the popular tourist attractions like Shenxianju and Tiantai Mountain are likely to be crowded. To avoid long queues for cable cars and crowded scenic spots, it is recommended to plan your itinerary accordingly and arrive early in the day to make the most of your visit.


If you are looking for places to explore in Taizhou during a weekend trip, there are several options to consider. In Jiaojiang District, you can visit attractions such as Taizhou Ocean World, Wuzixiong Glass Art Museum, and Jiangbin Park. These modern and leisure-focused destinations offer a mix of entertainment, art, and outdoor spaces for relaxation. Additionally, you can explore Dongfang Sun City and Yijiangshan Island, which provide beautiful scenery and opportunities for outdoor activities.


If you are planning to drive from Shangyu to Shenxianju in Taizhou, it is possible to make the round trip in one day. The driving distance is approximately 2.5 hours, so it is important to plan your time wisely and avoid peak traffic hours. It is also recommended to have at least two people in the car for a more comfortable and safe journey. Remember to check the weather and road conditions before setting off on your trip.


Taizhou is a scattered city with various attractions, including Tiantai Mountain, Shenxianju, Taizhou Ancient City, Shepan Island, Taozhu, Changyu Dongtian, and Shitang. These attractions are located at different distances from Luqiao Airport, which is located in the southeast direction. It is recommended to plan your itinerary carefully to make the most of your 5-day trip. Consider visiting the attractions that are closer to the airport first to save time on transportation.


On July 4th, a couple in Quzhou, Zhejiang was caught engaging in inappropriate activities inside a highway tunnel. This incident highlights the dangers of stopping or engaging in inappropriate activities while inside a tunnel. Tunnels have limited lighting and space, making it unsafe to engage in any distracting activities while driving. It is important to prioritize safety and follow traffic regulations to prevent accidents and harm to oneself and others.


If you are from Daxi, Wenling and planning a day trip to the surrounding areas of Taizhou during the Spring Festival, there are several recommendations to consider. You can visit attractions such as Tiantai Mountain, Shenxianju, Linhai Ancient City, Shapan Island, and Fengshan Lake. These destinations offer a mix of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and outdoor activities. Make sure to plan your time efficiently to explore as much as possible within a day.